Do you ever stop to wonder why heterosexuals male and females display homophobic behavior towards Homosexuals?

It’s so ironic that they display this hatred towards homosexuals and I have seen instances where heterosexuals will accept physical closeness and not being judgmental by anyone.Have you ever been to any sporting events, beauty contest and see when a team defeats their opponents either by scoring a goal or winning their league? The euphoria displayed is so emotional when watching this scene, males kissing males, hugging and leaping on each other and the same euphoria is also shown in females.In this scenario Heterosexuals are not concerned about touching and hugging as this is a way of celebrating their victory.

On observation on cultures all around the world I am aware that heterosexual males and females kiss on cheeks, hugging and entwining their thumbs together with other male/female friends, family and associates as this is a way of greeting persons they have not seen in a long while. Have you seen a motorcycle /motorbike with a male rider and a male pillion rider? Looks at the close proximity that the pillion rider is to the rider, his genital is in close proximity with the rider anus. Let me assume that they are heterosexuals. However the perception the pillion rider has is not displaying any homophobic behavior at this time as his ulterior motive is getting a lift to his destination.

Have you just heard that your friend family member dies?Heterosexual’s males and females will rush over to their friends’ house and comfort their friends by hugging and crying with them.Last but not least, it’s our culture nowadays to see heterosexual males with their pants down on the hips displaying their undergarments. This could mean that they up for the invitation but they say otherwise, it’s a fashion trend. They could fool me.Analyzing the situation I come to the conclusion that male heterosexuals are not tolerant towards male homosexuals.  They are however more tolerant with the female homosexuals. although I am wondering what idea is popping up in their heads now. In summing up I don’t see the penance that male heterosexuals are handing down to the male homosexuals as heterosexuals display the same tendencies and no one is prejudiced towards them.So it’s imperative that heterosexuals let the homosexuals live their lives in peace and harmony, as the saying goes {every man to their order}.

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